Many people are wondering whether you can play sharps or flats on the kalimba. The main problem with kalimba is that it is commonly tuned to C major, which means that there are neither sharps nor...
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If you are willing to learn how to play the kalimba, you will need to buy the instrument first. But the main problem with getting something new is that you don’t really know what instruments are...
Anyone interested in playing the kalimba probably noticed that some models have a hole inside the box. Furthermore, some instruments have additional holes on the back, while others have...
Whether you are a beginner or more experienced kalimba player, you will still need to keep your instrument in tune if you want to play it. Without proper tuning, it will be nearly impossible to enjoy...
Whether you just started learning how to play the kalimba, or if you are already an experienced player, the best way to learn more and expand your knowledge is through books. Believe it or...
Whether you are a beginner player or the one with experience with kalimba, there is no doubt that you will need to keep your instrument in tune. Fortunately, finding a tuner is not a problem at...